Store Brands magazine and Women Impacting Storebrand Excellence™ (WISE) created The Top Women in Store Brands honors in 2013 to recognize women executives, in the store brand industry, who bring a passion for store brands to their day-to-day activities. The awards cover functional expertise areas (Supply Chain/Procurement, R&D/QA, Operations, HR, Sales and Marketing/Merchandising), as well as three achievement areas not linked to a specific functional expertise area (Sparkplug, Innovation and Lifetime Achievement).
To select TWISB honorees, each spring, in-depth nominations from across the store brand industry are solicited. The submissions are carefully evaluated and reviewed to determine each year’s award recipients. The cross-functional committee ultimately selects one honoree for each category.
TWISB Award honorees are featured in a multi-page story within the October issue of Store Brands magazine. The TWISB Awards are presented during the WISE Annual Meeting.
This year’s honorees include:
2020 TWISB Award Recipients