Partner Exclusives
Each membership includes access to members-only content like WISE Resource Center (WRC) and membership database. participation in WISE Mentor Circles- a small group of ladies from non-competing companies engage for a year-long program to exchange experiences, challenges, successes and opportunities for enhancing self-confidence, communication skills, leadership practices, career commitment and networking to drive personal and professional growth as individuals and for their company. Members complete an online profile to increase their visibility and expand their network.
WISE has partnered with InPower Coaching to develop an on-line Professional Development Program designed to help your organization address the Experience Gap. As a WISE Partner Organization, you will receive valuable talent development tools–including: Self-Assessment Profile Exercise (identifies both strengths/opportunities), Career and Leadership Development Planning Tools, Resource Training Library: 30+ Core Practice lessons on professional/leadership development. Each includes a video, reading material and practice exercises for enriched learning, Group Discussion and Networking: monthly webinars, group on-line discussion sessions and shared learning (i.e. blogging), Self-Managed Mentoring Program: you will receive a blueprint to assist in developing a successful in-house mentoring program.